
Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Pink Color Scheme

 It seems hot pink is the color getting my attention this year. I thought all these plants looked so good together. I saved two hot pink geraniums in my greenhouse over the winter and they bloomed continuously. I have never liked geraniums, but last summer we were throwing some away at work and I took them home. I wasn't too impressed all summer but in the fall they looked pretty good. I guess good enough that I took the time to dig them up out of my big pots and repot them. So now I am hooked. I bought a few more of the same color. The million bells in the pot is called Mango Tango and the sweet potato vine is Sweet Caroline Bewitched Purple.
Since my other kinds of Dianthus faired so well, I thought I'd try a couple more. It's doubtful that the carnation one will survive the summer but it smells so good that I have to give it a whirl. Plus it is very pink.

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