
Saturday, April 30, 2011

So It Grows

 We had a lovely Open House at work today and the weather was just perfect. I was talking a bit about the importance of continuing to add organic matter to your soil to make your plants healthy and strong. I've been noticing the soil in my newer beds is alot easier to dig in this spring than last. It has a long way to go but the plants seem to be happy. Everything returned nicely from winter and of course I keep adding new things. I have a stash outside my office every day of plants to buy. It's crazy, but I have never been able to stop myself. I'll do that until it gets really hot and then I will only have the energy to maintain.
The variegated Fatshedera came from the Dallas Arboretum sale last year and I put it in the greenhouse for the winter. It really did well. It's a plant you can rarely find and I think it's such a treasure.

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